How to hold a baby

how to hold a baby - new mom
front and back carry for newborns

How to hold a baby: Holding a baby for new moms

How to hold a baby, An infant child lives in the womb for nine months. This warm place nurtures the infant and provides warmth. The warmth of the womb needs to be duplicated once the child is brought into the real world. The manipulation and recreation of this feeling is recreated by the one holding the babe. The infant is cuddled and nursed by the mother, but it is important that all parties involved can hold the baby safely. This is a huge requirement for the baby since its body formation is still delicate. The tendency to treat the babe as a normal grown individual is natural yet at all cost needs to be avoided. The following blog will discuss the methods on how to do so. The blog will discuss how to hold a baby

The most delicate part of the newborns body is its neck. This area encompasses the nervous system, therefore sustaining the ability of the newborn to grow. The focus on the neck, is severely important by the individual cradling the baby. The main focus should be this. One should use the warmth of their inner palms to support the bottom of the head, which is the back of the neck. For most babes the neck is not yet so visible, due to how small in proportion the baby is. Alongside, the head is visibly larger due to the babe’s affection able appearance.  The baby needs warmth, this is another key factor in how the baby will be held and nursed by its mother. While the baby suckles the mother, she must bring the child close to her chest, passing her warm body temperature onto the babe’s body.

This will replicate that womb like warmth which the child is craving after becoming familiarized for nine months. As the baby becomes accustomed to the outside worlds, and a better circulation of air, it will become less dependent. But the baby is very dependent as of now. When one holds the baby, it should be held horizontally and near to the chest. It needs to be held with both arms and hands supporting its delicate places. This is very important since the child is not able to support itself. The horizontal position again duplicate affection, as the babe is snug to the chest. This gesture indicates safety. The sensory indications of the child are yet developing, these sensory indicators are triggered by touch, smell, and taste. By providing warmth one is helping these senses develop further and faster. 

Yet, the baby will be signifying discomfort. Amongst the limited, abilities of a newborn, this is one, the cry. The cry signifies needs and dislike. For the individuals caring forthe baby this is severely important since this is an indicator of discomfort. If the cry is heard while the baby is being held the adjustment of the position is needed. This consideration will familiarize the child and its holder.

This indication is key for communication between the two parties. All these factors need to be considered before taking the baby into one’s hands. The child needs to be handled with love. It can not pick up speech or recognize signs as of yet, however it can recognize energy. A person’s energy is picked by another person. Positive lovely energy will be sensed immediately allowing the baby to feel safer in its position. These interior signs are built into the human as of birth. To transform this feeling into a gesture, one must position the head near the child’s head upon picking it up. A smile will definitely help also. A smile will indicate a friendly gesture. As the child’s view will the face of the individual carrying it, they would like to feel the friendliness of the person. 

This is why most babies feel more comfortable with women rather than men due to the affectionate appearance a woman has. Beauty and happiness attract the infant rather than the more straitened features of a man. The importance of this than therefore be emphasized when holding the baby. Remember to be, kind. Talking to the babe is another method. It craves human feelings. This is why studies show that when talking to a child most people make their voice high pitch. Again, emphasizes the more female characteristics to comfort the newborn. Therefore, try this technique. Number one, properly hold the child. Support its body with arm strengths and horizontal positioning. Number two, smile and be happy giving positive energy from one soul to another. Number three, address the child as though you would a small puppy. Call the child by a sweet name, making it feel warm and human like. Rather than a robot. 

Addressing the nature of the touch once again. Lets discusses the efforts of movements. Sudden movements can startle the baby, this can scare or even traumatize the baby. If one moves suddenly or jolts in habitual nature the babe can get very scared and, in some cases, hurt. Since the limbs are yet to develop and the body is delicate in anatomy. Yet the baby still needs to be moved when being held. How can this be achieved one might question? Well the answer is simple. Small movements need to be practiced. Rock the baby to sleep.

The point here which is being argued is that the child is used to movement and needs to learn and develop the skill of movements. Just as one would help a man with a failed back to sit up, nudging those muscles and provided a little bit of help. Simply this is what one is doing for the child by rocking it back and forth, they are familiarizing it with using its body in a way of simple movement.

The role of the mother versus other parties. The biggest challenge and difficulty which comes along with handling a newborn, is separating its biological instincts. The baby is biologically attached to the mother, the one that bore him or her. This natural instinct can create an uproar as the child is handled by someone else. But this is also important because it allows the newborn to experience human emotion of fear and how to handle it. This is the first true sense of fear that the child will feel, and it is important to let him or her feel it, since that is simply life taking on its role of welcoming. This sense of fear can be surpassed if the individual caring for the babe takes on the following advice that this blog suggest. Amongst these more difficult suggestion, a basic one should also be discussed. Prior the holding the babe one must consider and abide to rule of cleanliness, hence cleaned and sanitized hands and clothes. The child is at most risk, since alongside other developments the immune system is yet to strengthen. 

The babe can catch a bacteria or virus much more quickly and severely than a grown human. Due to the lack of abilities the babe might not be able to fight off such bacteria regardless of how large or petite the germs may be. This can result in very serious harm and some severe cases maybe even death. The baby should be kept clean but the people surrounding and specially taking it into their hands should abide to health safety rules. They should be cured of any contagious disease or viruses.

They should also wash their hands with soap and keep a bottle of hand sanitizer near the baby. By keeping a bottle for use for the people holding the baby it ensures that they are sanitized regardless if they carry germs or not. The mouth of the child should also be avoided, regardless of it being a human instinct to kiss the mouth, it can be harmful. Kisses on other skin parts can be healthier and better for him or her.

If all these suggestions are taken into account, your baby will develop into a healthy toddler and an even healthier adult, not just physically but mentally and spiritually as well.